
Ultrasound Bronchoscopes (2)

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Featured product EBUS-TBNA — Endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration

PulmonologyThoracic Surgery

Endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) is a reliable and commonly established technique that enables the visualisation and sampling of mediastinal, central, or hilar lesions and lymph nodes within the tracheobronchial tree.



Linear Ultrasound Bronchoscope, 2.2 mm working channel

PulmonologyThoracic Surgery

The BF-UC190F is the third generation of the Olympus EBUS-TBNA endoscope. It enables enhanced access and control to allow staging and diagnosis of even difficult-to-reach lymph nodes and lesions.

  • Powerful angulation: up to 160° angulation for enhanced access to challenging target sites
  • Compact distal tip: only 6.6 mm outer diameter and shorter rigid part of 25 mm for maneouverability
  • Increased puncture performance: 5° steeper puncture angle for smooth penetration of the bronchial wall, compared to previous model

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