Ultra High Definition
Provides four times more information than conventional Full HD imaging systems
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The Concept of the VISERA 4K UHD System
Olympus is always trying to achieve endoscopic visibility that is equivalent to open surgery by providing HD video imaging systems with advanced technologies.
With the 4K technology, Olympus is now striving to make endoscopic visibility even better than open surgery by adding features such as Ultra High Definition, Wider Colour Gamut, and Magnified Visualisation.
Looking at a suspicious tissue structure at close proximity is the key to assessing it successfully; the closer you are, the more information becomes visible. And, clearly, improved visibility enables surgeons to guarantee more precise and safe procedures.
The Olympus VISERA 4K UHD provides four times more information than conventional Full HD imaging systems. It supports 4K UHD (3840 × 2160) and Full 4K (4096 × 2160) resolution. Four times more information means four times more detail; compared to conventional Full HD, a tissue structure moves 50 percent closer to the eye.
The VISERA 4K UHD system adopts the 4K colour format, and so generates a Wider Colour Gamut (WCG). WCG means a remarkable increase in colour: the reds, greens, blues, and yellows on a screen appear richer and stronger, and the whole image becomes more realistic. In practical terms, WCG enables rich colour reproducibility and provides the most suitable colours for each surgical discipline.
Surgeons benefit from WCG during a procedure because it makes for easier determination of tissue boundaries such as fat, nerves, and vessels. And that ensures better visualisation of blood vessels and lesions.
VISERA 4K UHD Magnified Visualisation brings surgeons even closer to every detail. Images appear physically larger, enabling the surgeon to observe fine patterns and structures of tissues in high precision, even when enlarged. This in turn means a safer and more visible operating field, and also helps to prevent mist and smoke; “sword fighting” with hand instruments is no longer necessary.
Even at 2.0× zoom, VISERA 4K UHD Magnified Visualisation is equivalent to Full HD resolution – just zoom in and move the scope away from the operating field. On a 55” 4K UHD monitor, the image creates a sense of immersion that allows the entire OR team to completely focus on the surgical procedure.
Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) is an optical image-enhancement technology that improves the visibility of vessels and other tissues on the mucosal surface. Narrow-band illumination, which is strongly absorbed by haemoglobin and penetrates only the surface of tissues, is good for enhancing the contrast between the two. As a result, under narrow-band illumination, capillaries within the mucosal surface are displayed in brown on the monitor, while veins in the submucosa are displayed in cyan.
Prospective Study Proves Advantages of NBI
NBI provides better definition of tumour staging and surgical margins in pre- and intraoperative settings. NBI is also valuable in postoperative settings due to its capacity for early detection of persistences, recurrences, and metachronous tumours.
NBI provides better definition of tumour staging and surgical margins in pre- and intraoperative settings. NBI is also valuable in postoperative settings due to its capacity for early detection of persistences, recurrences, and metachronous tumours.
Learn more4K Frontal Recess Dissection: Intact Bulla – Professor Simon Carney
Professor Simon Carney (ENT Surgeon, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia) performing an frontal recess dissection with an intact bulla technique utilizing the Olympus 4K UHD imaging platform and DIEGO ELITE Multidebrider.
The following videos were recorded in 4K resolution. Please note that the displayed image quality depends on the quality of your Internet connection as well as your personal YouTube settings. It may be necessary that you manually adjust the resolution.
The following videos were recorded in 4K resolution. Please note that the displayed image quality depends on the quality of your Internet connection as well as your personal YouTube settings. It may be necessary that you manually adjust the resolution.
Are you interested in experiencing the concept of the VISERA 4K UHD System? Request a live demonstration of our big screen surgery and an Olympus consultant will contact you.