Complete Solution
With NBI and PLASMA, Olympus offers the complete solution for NMIBC diagnosis and treatment.
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HD NBI Videocystoscopy Is Setting the New Standard in Bladder Cancer Diagnosis and Follow-Up
Olympus offers the optimised solution for outpatient departments.
Flexible cystoscopy either for early diagnosis or follow-up procedures can be performed using NBI in an outpatient setting. It is clinically proven that NBI diagnoses more bladder cancer compared to WLI. Explore procedure videos showing the clinical advantages NBI can offer in flexible cystoscopy. No matter whether you perform initial diagnosis or follow-up cystoscopies, NBI allows you to enhance the contrast and achieve a new perspective with additional details not visible before.
The Combination of NBI and PLASMA Optimises the Outcome of NMIBC Treatment
When NBI and PLASMA are used during TUR-BT, diagnosis and therapy of NMIBC can be performed simultaneously. The combination of the two technologies – NBI and PLASMA – during TUR-BT leads to an optimal clinical outcome. With NBI, lesion limits can be better visualised. This allows precise marking in the first step as well as even complete resection of the bladder tumour using the PLASMA technology. Surgeons can choose from a wide variety of PLASMA electrodes that are procedure-specific for conventional as well as en bloc resection.
“A better view of superficial structures provides me with strong leverage for improving the detection rate of small superficial bladder tumours. But with NBI, it is not only easier to identify the malignant structures of NMIBC and other small tumours. NBI has a great impact on finding out whether a suspicious structure is inflammation or a CIS!”
Increase your detection rate and optimise your treatment of NMIBC using Olympus NBI and PLASMA technology. Send us a request and an Olympus representative will contact you.